Айбек Осмонов
Қырғыз Республикасы Жогорку Кенешінің депутаты
ТҮРКПАның Білім, мәдениет, әлеуметтік және гуманитарлық мәселелер жөніндегі комиссиясының Төрағасы
(Қазақша нұсқасы жақын арада болады)

2011, graduated from Osh State University, specialty in "Information Systems and Technologies".

2019, graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic and obtained a master’s degree in the field of "Management";

2003, drafted into the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic;

2009-2012, director of "New City Construction Company" LLC;

2014, adviser to the director of "Arek Construction" LLC;

2014-2017, advisor to the director of "Kyrgyz Kaganat" LLC;

2018-2019, advisor to the CEO of Alfa Telecom JSC;

2019-2020, the adviser of JSC "Alfa Telecom";

March 2021, becomes a deputy of the 6th convocation of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic;

2021, elected as deputy of the 7th convocation of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic: Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs, Defence, Security and Migration.